
Testing the New GIDEON – What Did Clinicians Say?

Author Kristina Symes , 13-Aug-2020

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Testing new GIDEON app on different devices

August 13, 2020 — GIDEON’s mission is to provide robust support to clinicians, microbiologists, and educators who interface with the infectious diseases field. As such, consulting with our users when developing the product is paramount to ensuring that GIDEON continues to meet their expectations. On 12th August, GIDEON closed its last alpha testing round, dedicated to gathering feedback on the brand new ‘Diagnose’ module. Medical experts from 26 countries have explored the new interface and shared their thoughts on what works and what can be improved.

What is Alpha?

Alpha is an early release of a major product upgrade. Our first alpha testing round was focused on displaying our extensive database in a brand new ‘Explore’ module. The second one was geared toward clinicians who may use GIDEON in Point-of-Care settings to diagnose infectious diseases.

How Did it Go?

The comments were overwhelmingly positive. Here are some of them:

  • I just had a look, and I am blown away by both diagnosis modules. They are fantastic!
  • The product speaks for itself.
  • Having tried and tested each of the modules, GIDEON does a good job in making it quick and easy for a healthcare professional to access accurate and up-to-date information and that is the beauty and success of GIDEON.
  • The look and feel are great.
  • GIDEON remains an outstanding and easy to use, up-to-date resource. Commendable. Well done.

We are so grateful for all the positivity and constructive criticism – it will improve the product for everyone.

What’s Next?

A full beta release is currently planned for mid-September. It’s the same GIDEON data that you know and love, but like you’ve never seen before! The beta will include our brand new Lab module, designed to assist microbiologists. Check out a sneak peek below:

GIDEON Lab module displayed on a landscape white iPad

The GIDEON Difference

GIDEON is one of the most well-known and comprehensive global databases for infectious diseases. Data is refreshed daily, and the GIDEON API allows medical professionals and researchers access to a continuous stream of data. Whether your research involves quantifying data, learning about specific microbes, or testing out differential diagnosis tools– GIDEON has you covered with a program that has met standards for accessibility excellence.

You can also review our eBooks on AlkhurmaBotulismCryptococcus, and more. Or check out our global status updates on countries like AlgeriaCanadaIceland, and more!

Kristina Symes

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