
Infectious Diseases in Hollywood: What’s Real, What’s Not? Webinar Recording Now Live

Join us for a fun and insightful conversation about popular films’ accuracies and inaccuracies regarding infectious diseases and bioterrorism. You’ll better understand how these diseases are portrayed on the big screen and what this could mean for the future of infectious disease research.

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GIDEON Releases Readymade Lesson Plans: Prep for Courses Faster

“Course planning is now faster and easier. GIDEON, the leading infectious diseases database, released ready-to-use lesson plans on infectious diseases and microbiology….”

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GIDEON in the Classroom: Unveiling Lesson Plans by GIDEON Webinar Recording Now Live

Learn how GIDEON can help you teach public health, microbiology, and medical disciplines! Watch as we unveil the much anticipated GIDEON lesson plan package (FREE), covering topics such as foodborne illnesses and bioterrorism. Let us know what other lesson plans you would like to receive next!

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Diseases Can be Aggravated by Climate Change

“By merging pathogenic disease lists of databases from the CDC (United States Centers for Disease Control) and GIDEON (Global Infectious Diseases and Epidemiology Network), we compiled a comprehensive list of human pathogenic diseases…. While we expected to find some effects of climate change on diseases, the magnitude we found in our results was startling: over 58% of pathogenic diseases affecting humanity can be aggravated by climate change”

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Climate Change Aggravates More Than Half of Infectious Diseases

“This is one of the conclusions of a study published in the journal Nature Climate Change. Of the 375 infectious diseases affecting people, 218 (58%) are exacerbated by the climate crisis. This figure rises to 277 when including non-communicable conditions such as asthma, insect bites and snake bites…. The study was based on data from the Global Infectious Disease and Epidemiology Network (GIDEON) and the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).”

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GIDEON and Climate Change Impact: Deadlier Diseases

“…out of the authoritative list of 375 infectious diseases documented to have impacted humanity—based on records by the Global Infectious Disease and Epidemiology Network (GIDEON) and the US Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)—58 percent, or 218 infectious diseases, were aggravated by climatic hazards.”

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GIDEON Helps See Impact of Climate Change

“Climate change has exacerbated more than 200 infectious diseases and dozens of non-transmissible conditions, such as poisonous-snake bites, according to an analysis1… The researchers discovered that climate change has aggravated 218, or 58%, of the 375 infectious diseases listed in the Global Infectious Diseases and Epidemiology Network (GIDEON), and the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s National Notifiable Diseases Surveillance System.”

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A Tale as Old as Time: the Start of the Anti-Vax Movement & Vaccine Hesitancy Webinar Recording Now Live

Explore how mistrust and hesitancy towards vaccines have arisen over time and how these attitudes have impacted public health. Additionally, we will discuss what can be done to build trust in vaccines and reduce hesitancy.

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GIDEON Helps Find Climate Change Can Worsen More Than Half of Infectious Diseases

“To compile the data, investigators searched 10 keywords on GIDEON (Global Infectious Disease and Epidemiology Network) and CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention) databases… if someone wants to “do a modeling study and they want to focus on a specific area, the specific examples in the literature are already there” in the extensive database.”

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Varicella-Zoster And The Evolution Of Public Health Approach To The Virus Webinar Recording Now Live

The virus responsible for chickenpox and shingles has a fascinating epidemiological history. Join our resident epidemiologist Kim Hazel, MPH, to learn about the only shingles outbreak ever recorded, the changing public approach to the Varicella-Zoster virus, and why it is so hard to eradicate. Fun trivia included!

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Imported Diseases: Ongoing Monkeypox Outbreak and Salmonellosis in a Chocolate Egg Webinar Recording is Now Live

How can a clinician diagnose imported monkeypox and prevent its spread? And what happens when chocolate eggs become vectors for salmonella? Join Stephen A. Berger, MD, and review two recent events: the ongoing multi-national outbreak of Monkeypox and 187 cases of salmonellosis attributed to Kinder Surprise products.

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10 Things You Can Do With GIDEON Webinar Recording is Now Live!

Did you know GIDEON can help with your systematic reviews? Or that you can use a dynamic decision tree to identify Staphylococcus aureus in 10 seconds or less? Learn the other 8 things you can do with GIDEON that may surprise you! Check out our webinar recording to learn about what GIDEON can do, some sweet tips, and maybe a chuckle or two.

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