Miscellaneous Intestinal Protozoa: Global Status

Miscellaneous Intestinal Protozoa: Global Status is one in a series of GIDEON ebooks which explore all individual infectious diseases, drugs, vaccines, outbreaks, surveys and pathogens in every country of the world. Data are based on the GIDEON web application (www.gideononline.com) which relies on standard text books, peer-review journals, Health Ministry reports and ProMED, supplemented by an ongoing exhaustive search of the medical literature.

The ebook includes:
1. Descriptive epidemiology
2. Clinical features
3. Distribution map
4. Images
5. Global status and status in every relevant country
6. References

Miscellaneous Intestinal Protozoa: Global Status includes separate sections on Balantidiasis, Blastocystis hominis infection, Cystoisosporiasis, and Dientamoeba fragilis infection.

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153 pages, 7 graphs, 1,550 references, 2024 edition, 4 MB PDF, ISBN: 978-1-4988-4495-6

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